It Is The Law!



Designer Doodle creates custom vests for working dogs, like service and therapy dogs.

We highly suggest for your understanding of the difference between emotional support animals (ESAs), therapy dogs or service animals.

We do not support the impropper use of identifying a pet/animal as a tasked trained service animal.



Service Animals

A service animal is a dog or miniture horse tasked trained to mitigate a person's disibilities. Service work requires high training to help the handler, while not being a disruption to the public. A service animal may accompany their handler where ever the public is allowed.

It is illegal & a crime to fake a service animal.

Therapy Dogs

Therapy dogs are obedience trained and provide comfort and love to others. Places therapy dogs may go to comfort others would be hospitals, schools, nursing homes, disater areas and more.

Therapy dogs do not have public access.


​Emotional support animals provide only comfort. If a medical professional believes that comfort of an animal would benefit a person's conditions, a ESA can be perscribed. ESAs are allowed to live in non pet housing and may accompany their owner to fly on an airplane (may vary between airlines), otherwise ESAs are not allowed in non pet friendly public places.


Need More Information? See Your Provincal Laws On Working Dogs: